Let us extend our hands and help our fellow humans in this hour of need.
Scores of houses have been water logged, people have been forced to evacuate thier homes and villages and take shelter in relief camps or their relatives homes.
Some ways in which we can contribute and help :
1) Contribute generously to HRS fund and other recognised relief bodies
2) If you are nearby the flood affected areas, join in to rescue operations according to your capability
3) Visit local relief camps if set up and ensure availability of hygienic food
4) Ensure necessary medical camps are set up for the affected people
5) Conduct mass fund collection drive in religious centers such as Temples, Mosques, Churches and other community centers
6) Pray for the affected families that their pain and sorrows are mellowed down.
7) In long term, carry a post analysis of erratic climatic conditions of erratic floods and droughts.
May the people of Flood areas in especially North Karnataka and other areas recieve immediate help and aid from fellow brethren.